Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving?

Happy Holidays!

I had a wonderful thanksgiving with my family and I am thankful.. so... so thankful; However, in the light of things I couldn't help but make up a list of things I am,

  • hangovers- I just don't understand how such a fun beverage can kick our ass the next day.
  • Fit Moms in the gym- You know the ones, they look super cute AND THIN in their stylish gym clothes but all you see them do is walk briskly on the treadmill whilst gabbing to their other cute fit moms- and I'm over on the treadmill in a paint stained tee shirt working through sprints and sweats looking like I could of popped out your 3 little brats myself- I am not thankful for you fit mom. 
  • Rejection- I wish rejection letters, emails, speeches, ect.. came with a giant bouquet of flowers and maybe a free puppy; life would be better for everyone.
  • Alarm Clocks- They just suck. 
  • Waking Up- Sleeping is so good, and waking up is no fun- especially when its by an alarm clock. Waking up should immediately come with good things- sunflowers, waffles, a hot man to hold, a free puppy again... 
  • Razor Burn- no one wants that nonsense 
  • Car Farts-  just in general.. not thankful for them

With that being said, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

Go hug your family, embrace their weird because nobody's family is as perfect as the holiday commercial families.. and that is okay cause who would want to be with a perfect family anyway? 




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Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Okay guys.

I am probably the biggest  internet creep ever.

If I take an interest in someone, like a blogger, a recent cast member of SNL, the girl with sweet style who passed me in the hallway-- let it be known that I will find all internet content about them, including their hidden lip sync video with 56 views they made in middle school. This only becomes problematic when said interesting people are out living life and I am at home sharing a bag of goldfish with my dog.

here is a little snippet of how my mind works whilst scrolling through pictures of admirable people:
(names in this scenario have been made up)

Oh hey... sassgirl45 you have abs now....begin frantic crunches
oh hey...tootledee you're in Spain drinking wine looking like a million bucks..... begin small tears with realization that I LOOK LIKE A HELL DEMON and will probably never be able to go to Spain until I graduate and on that note what the hell am I going to do when I graduate... engage ugly cry face.... I'm concerned.

My willpower will go from a 100 to zero in a one small second.
One second I'm planning workouts, conjuring up healthy snacks, saying no no no to junk. Turn the corner- I'm eating chocolate. I don't know how this happens.... I'm Concerned. 

 In May I will hopefully be graduating from college with a degree in Theatre Performance- this means that I have dedicated the last four years to learning all about theatre and acting HOWEVER in real life when I encounter moments I need to "act" I can't do it. 
Example: Getting pulled over. lying. pretending to be on my phone. acting like I am in a rush and cant talk to the mall booth people. 
I'm concerned. 

I think its time to come to terms with the fact that I will never be a functioning adult; one who can paint her nails with out smudging them, who can opt for a real bra rather than a sports bra, who can keep plants alive, who can have phone conversations with businesses with out having a minor heart attack, who can go one day with out making a poop joke, who can live with out a gum ball from that machine...and for that the world should be concerned. 

you can click here  to find my long lost youtube video when I was still a weirdo.


I hope you like my new blog place :)


Sierra Carter