Friday, June 21, 2013

brain dump

- My class at Groundlings has started and I LOVE IT.
-Marissa got her phone stolen at a bar- right out of her purse- :(
-Marissa and I are thinking about participating in a burlesque class- if you know anything about the two of us being “SEXY” isn’t exactly what you know about us- “awkward man laugh”
Actually speaking of SEXY and me, today in my IMPROV class we played a game called “Emotional Symphony” if you are not familiar with this game it goes a little something like this- the ensemble stands in a half circle and the teacher gives each person an emotion angry, depressed, sassy, flirty, bored ect.. in that emotion you as an ensemble member have to pick either a sound or a saying for example if you’re mad you can yell “AHHHH” or “FUCK YOU” or “grunt in anger”  then she points at you and you make the same sound or say the same something every time. Eventually she points to different people at different times and it sounds like a symphony of emotion.
So she starts this game by giving everyone an emotion– she gets to me and gives me LUST.
Immediately in my brain I am thinking
“okay, what does someone say when they are lustful?”
“Oh.. boy?”
No, Sierra all those are weird- lustful.. LUSTFUL.. LUSTFULLL okay make a sound- what kind of sound do people make when they are in lust? Uhhhhh? Eeeeahhhh? Epp?
So she points at me- for whatever reason I kind of cock my shoulders and do a sort of “ahh” sound while smiling.
Do that right now smile big and softly say “Ahh”
Sounds pretty lustful right?
The teacher chuckels to herself and says “Okay, even bigger next time I point at you Sierra”
So I think okay bigger, I can do that!
She points at me – I cock my shoulders again because I think lustful women move their shoulders.. and even louder do an UNNNNYAAAA and sorta of throw my hand in the air — she laughs louder this time and says no haha be lustful touch your body and she feels up the side of her body and I try to imitate her with a deeper voice “ANUOOOWOO”  followed by weird hip movements and everyone chuckles– she continues the game each time pointing and chuckling at me.
That being said I know that Oxygen will be calling me soon to play a part in their new desperate housewives esque show “Dirty Maids”
I ride my bike here a lot because work is close and parking/ traffic is such a hassle. When I ride my bike I get a lot of my contemplation out- I feel like a lot of the times I just think, think, think, think.
What am I doing here?
My legs hurt!
Could I live here?
I couldn’t live here!
Well, maybe
Its hot
Please don’t hit me car, please don’t hit me..
HAHA no stopping at stop signs for this  biker
Gosh riding a bike is really cool
I really want coffee
What is my life?
Go faster this is sort of exercise
I should google bike laws
Mostly my thoughts come and go but sometimes I get to really thinking.. Today,  I was thinking about how the people in my Groundlings class and I got together after class. We have had 4 classes together but today was the first time we got together outside of class. They posed for a picture that I snapchatted to some of my friends in Oklahoma. I told them I have to show my friends back home that I HAVE FRIENDS HERE. They laughed, on my bike rode home I was thinking how weird I was… how they hopefully weren’t freaked out by me… and then it reminded me of how I did the same thing to my friends in Edmond when I first moved, I have searched all forms of media and cannot find the picture but I remember it- and I remember telling my new Edmond friends (that I really JUST started hanging out with)  I needed to document my new friends to my old friends..  and thinking about that picture and how close I have become with the people in that picture makes me hopeful that history will repeat itself.
I really wish I could find the Edmond picture- dear friends are in it that, at the time, were strangers participating in my weird new friend documentation.
These guys are doing the same :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ellie Goulding has never been so right

Woah, woah, woah ladies and gents have I got a story for you.
Before I can even begin to explain what happened to Marissa and I tonight I need to rewind a few days back and tell you that a lot did not change from my last post about the friend business till yesterday. Once again I will say that being in a new city is challenging and for some of the time I have found myself lonesome and in need of people other than Marissa– Marissa came to that realization a few days ago too.
It is really hard to hear from our friends back home and hear how much fun everyone is having– how our friends are all hanging out with each other, how they are going out, how that are having such fun, fun, fun summer experiences- we miss you guys dearly and would love to be with you. We are so blessed by THIS experience but we are really missing the group hangouts and IT JUST SUCKS NOT HAVING OTHER FRIENDS OKAY?!
Anyway , after crying (as in one glistening tear)… okay I mean SOBBING soaked napkin tears (mostly me)… okay I mean ONLY me; over some really terrible mexican food we decided to stop complaining and just simply enjoy the summer, we made a list of all the things we want to do in California before we leave and decided that if some friends come along they will.
Which brings me to TODAY.
On Saturdays, I work the 8pm and 10pm show at The Groundlings- I got Marissa a free ticket to the 10 P.M. show so she could come and see what The Groundlings are all about. While I was at work two ladies working front of house mention that it’s LA Pride weekend and they really want to go out, one girl turns to me and says “Hey would you want to go?, wait are you 21?” Probably WAY TO EAGERLY I quickly return with a YES IM 21! Immediately, I text Marissa and tell her I finally got asked to go out and I am so excited and of course she is going blah blah blah… overly excited.
Well, it turns out that those girls end up not going out at all so Marissa and I venture alone into LA pride weekend.
We get out to the bar/strip area around 1:30AM –
Let me mention this as a side note: going to a Pride Weekend Outing can be such a confidence booster, it seems that the Gay Men love to compliment people and at one point Marissa had  a crowd part to clear a sidewalk for her to walk through- She started strutting, Gay men starting cheering and I was just a proud mom with a wide mouth and fist doing air circles, strolling behind her.
@ 1:30 The Bars are shutting down but the streets are still hopping. We find a place that is open until 4 A.M. so we decide to stay in line and go into this bar. The wait was forever…… we probably stood in this line for 30-45 mins, only to find out the cover was going to be $20.00 and they would not be serving alcohol. Marissa and I left the line and decided to head back to where we parked.
On the way back to the car we started getting to a quieter side of the streets and naturally Marissa and I start getting a little freaked out. At the intersection we see two guys walking and we kinda stagger behind them both thinking “If it looks like were with them, no one with mess with us” They then turn around and start engaging in general conversation. Hi Ladies how are you? What have you been up to tonight? Typical Small Talk. We talk to them all the way to ours cars and just as natural conversation goes they stop as we stop at our car to finish whatever conversation we had been having. At that moment a group of people start walking by just shouting things and being rambunctious and one guy stops and says THIS IS MY FRECKLE GIRL…
He was referring to Marissa’s beautiful freckles and he and a man named Radar start talking to Marissa, Myself and the guys we met at the intersection— this all might be very confusing because I am terrible with names but Marissa and I are standing there with the guys we met 3 blocks up from our car, a guy that complimented Marissa’s freckles way early in the night (who ran into us again) and a guy named Radar.
Everyone gets to conversing… me with Radar, Marissa with block boys, the block boys with the guy who loves freckles, me with the block boys, Radar with block boys… then Radar hands me $50.00 out of nowhere.. THIS IS NOT A LIE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN and complete stranger hands me $50.00 and says  ”There is a place called Norms its a diner, hang out with these boys more (block boys), make some friends Welcome to LA girls”
Radar and his friend leave;
The block boys join us for some dessert at Norms- the total was 25 something- I slap down that 50.00- we leave that table- our waiter comes out the side door as we are leaving to say thank you for the tip and just like that the paying it forward loop has been started.
so you’re right Ellie Goulding.. Anything Could Happen

Monday, June 3, 2013

just a small town girl

When I thought about my summer in LA I obviously pictured myself in the more glamorous part of the United States; I pictured my life to be nothing less than MTV’s old show The Hills and more than likely I would have 60 rich best friends in a matter of days.
And then I remembered how not glamorous I am and how I would probably do a manly laugh or some weird movement with my hands and scare all my friends away.
And I also got to LA and realized that we live in the not so glamorous part but it is exactly where I was supposed to end up for this summer and it is exactly the way I need to live.
On a small scale of things, in this neighborhood I have experienced and almost mastered the art of parallel parking…. okay who am I kidding I cant even park in a regular parking lot.. but I have experienced cute fruit stands, sweet Mexican ladies, walking a few blocks to do laundry, authentic mexican food and a yoga class taught completely in Spanish.
inhalar y exhalar 
that’s all I picked up.
On a bigger scale of things my first week at Groundlings has gone well! It is so exciting to be apart of the Groundlings theatre and learn from people heavily involved with improv. I audition to start their professional track of classes next week so hopefully all goes well and I can start taking classes.
On Friday I work box office at the theatre and this Friday the tech guy happened to be sitting down and chatting with me as a woman came up to purchase tickets. I properly helped the woman and she went on her way– as she turned around I noticed the price tag on her clothing was still intact, me being the person that I am jumped up to go help this woman out-
Tech guy: What’s wrong?
Me: That woman still has the tag on her shirt, I am going to go tell her.
Tech guy: No no sit down that’s not your job just let her go..
Me (sits down)
Tech guy: It does say something about your character though
Me: spins around in my very large office chair feeling pretty good about the nice person I am
Tech guy: It says you’re a TARGET!!
So there you have it folks I am a target to all scam artist cause of my generous attitude.
On an even bigger scale of things I have had the pleasure of exploring California this passed week. We visited Santa Monica Pier, Runyon Canyon, a really neat flea market and Venice Beach this week.
To be completely honest being here has been a great experience but it also has been a struggle. I don’t know if its all the down time I have because my lack of friends, I have two Marissa and Pam, Pam even ditched us all weekend… Party Animal, but maybe I am just dramatic or small town. The city can be extremely overwhelming and being alone a lot can be well… lonely. I think this is the best thing that could of happen to me, I think I will be a better person because of it. I will welcome newcomers to the state of Oklahoma with open arms because I now understand how hard it can be, I will also be sure to hug all my hometown friends a little tighter cause who knows if ill make friends like them out here.
If all else fails it is a less than 30-minute drive to the beach or a comedy show– two things that make me the happiest.