Thursday, March 27, 2014

When I grow up... I wonder if....

A blog that I follow called hey hollywood blog did a recent post about all the things she wonders about herself once she grows up... Listen, I don't think we can put a number or a time on the official "Grown Up" age because lets be real at 16 I thought "when I grow up" would be at age 22 and now I am 22 clinging so tightly to the phrase "when I grow up"...

Oh goodness....

when I grow up... I wonder if..

  • I will still immediately search for a quarter upon seeing a gum ball machine 

  • Still take awfully unattractive pictures of myself and share them with the public because I think they are hilarious 

  • With that being said will I still let Tyle  make up photo shoots where I obviously star in
  • I  still buy clothes 8 sizes too big for me for the sake of them not touching my body

  •  floral prints and that face still be my go to

  • I still rock a lot of animal earrings 

  • I still cry about how much I love my best friends to the Kings of Leon song "Use Somebody" in the middle of the bar

  • I will master the art of sober flirting with out sweating through my shirt  

  • I will be apart of any housewives show.. fingers crossed for Atlanta 

  • I will have a golden retriever named Sundance that runs, bikes and swims with me

  • I will still think dress up parties are the bee's knee's

  • I will still be saying bee's knee's 

  • I still take every opportunity to wear a mustache 



Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break Tips!

Guys, I had the best spring break ever.  I know March is almost over and we are all focusing on SUMMER BREAK now but I've decided to make a complied list of tips for having the best spring break ever!

Maybe book mark it or save it for next year or perhaps it will help with your upcoming summer vacation. 

So first lets talk, booking spring break, obviously places book up really fast- the group I went with decided we wanted to go to Panama City Beach, Florida  and started looking for places in December. I have used a website called VRBO for two years and it has been pretty helpful in booking vacation rentals. The website also has a great security agreement so if you get screwed over or scammed VRBO will help you out as much as possible.

  • Book a condo with a full kitchen & a washer and dryer so you can cook yourself and save some money! 
  • Bring yourself some extra towels and blankets, your condo should have them but I'd say it is pretty helpful to have these extra items- unlike a hotel you cannot request more, you get what you get.  
  • Book by January this guarantees you a spot for Spring Break and it gets you excited for something after Christmas! 
Staying Healthy 

We all work pretty hard on our Spring Break Bods and its hard not to let it go once you get to spring break after, all its what you have been working for but here are some helpful hints to let you have a good time but not feel like a bloated ball of greasy food and alcohol.
  • Go grocery shopping the first day! 
    • As a group we decided we only wanted to eat out twice during the week and order pizza another night. On the other nights we cooked dinner for each other this worked out perfectly because we all chose what we wanted to cook and bought items accordingly; for example we had a grilled chicken night, a mexican night and a spaghetti night! 
    • For breakfast one of the girls with us brought a huge bag of quinoa and made us breakfast quinoa for the mornings, it is delicious, healthy and so easy to make; you can find the recipe HERE
    • Buy fruits and veggies to snack on throughout the day; I know as girls we say IF IM DRINKING IM NOT EATING to save calories, don't do this! 
  • Try to be active! 
    • I know its vacation but if you are feeling up to it try to go to the gym at least a few of the days, even if its just walking there and back! Being active will help with hangovers and it will help you feel better in a bathing suit

  • Get Smart Party Pills
    • Honestly these little babies saved our lives! They are a natural supplement you take with your first drink of the night and you wake up like you did not consume those 6 vodka waters at all. They are about 2.00 each at a Sprouts or Whole Foods but I promise they are worth it. 
Get a Party Card
  • When we got to PCB we invested in the 50.00 party card it gets you into certain clubs for free on different nights and free drinks within a certain time period- the downside to having the party card was that we had to get to the bar within the time or else we had to pay the cover charge. The free drinks were great and if we got there at the beginning of the time period we were able to have more than just one. However, there is an option to get a party card to one club, this gets you into the club free at anytime and free drinks within a certain time period. The upside to a one club party card is you can go at anytime you want, the downside is that you can only get into that club and have to pay covers at others. To each there own! 
Other Things! 
  • Don't drink and drive.. obviously but cabs can be really cheap at spring break because they have group taxis that split fee's- so don't do it! 
  • Drink lots a water! 
  • Open yourself up to meeting new people! 
  • Visit the beach at sunrise 
  • Visit the beach AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE 
  • Get the find my friends app, this is a super helpful app during the break because separation is inevitable. 

hopefully those are pretty helpful hints! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

treat YO'SELF 22

Before I start quoting Taylor Swift I need you guys to know that my 22nd birthday snuck up on me.

My birthday fell at a strange time; last week I was at KACTF, a theatre conference and within the next week my closest pals and I will be celebrating spring break in Florida; So with stressing out about competition, rehearsing, being gone, draining all of our sad theatre sorrows in boxes of limerita's, saving money for Spring Break, still planning the trip, TRYING TO DO EVERY DETOX IN THE WORLD BECAUSE IM ABOUT TO BE IN A BATHING SUIT; my birthday fell by the wayside.

22 is a strange age, I mean 21 was great, everyone is ready to party with you, buy you drinks, see you cry/naked/happy/passedout but with 22........ are you supposed to have a classier party? Is this the age I serve wine and cheese at my nicely decorated apartment? At this age it is unacceptable to get really close to all your friends faces and tell them how much you love them? Is it frowned upon to make -out in a bar? I need to know!

lots of anxiety happened a few days before the big two. two.

at midnight on my 22nd birthday I came home from the gym around 12:30 A.M.
(sometimes I go to the gym late; no one's there, it gives me full range of the gym and it's kinda neat)

I walked into my apartment and my lovely roommates of course had "22 by Taylor Swift" blaring, balloons everywhere and a candle lit cheese cake ready to make my first birthday wish! They are honestly the best and so fab- here's a shameless plug for my cute fashionista roommate

anyway my roommates Tyle and Austin made the first few hours of being 22 extremely special, I love them for that.

the rest of the day was all up to me, it just so happened that I did not have class or work on my birthday so I got to fill the day with stuff  I wanted to do! 

-----> which brings me to this small segment of

TREAT YO'Self 22

If you think your birthday is going to be less than stellar, you need to take the day into your own hands and treat yourself like the birthday queen you are. 

1. Start your day off with uninterrupted time of doing something you love.

this could be anything you love- if reading is your thing, Read! Cook! Paint! Sleep! Do something you love doing; for me it was running and yoga. If you start your birthday off with something you love it is almost a guaranteed great day.
My Polar Watch had a cake on it all day :)

2. Go to your favorite treat place and shamelessly get your favorite item.

Maybe you love bagels from Panera but always refrain or maybe you really love their mac and cheese! It's your birthday go get your favorite thing and treat yo self. I went to a smoothie place and got a green monster smoothie FOR FREE! (pull the birthday card everywhere too!)  

3. Listen to My Humps by Fergie
I promise. Just do it! 

4. Go get a mani/pedi/hair blow out/ massage/ or do these things at home.

It's your birthday!! You deserved to be pampered! So whatever beauty thing you need at the moment, go do it! 

5. Wear your favorite accessory (even if its ridiculously obnoxious)

You have a floppy sun hat you love? Wear it! That weird belt buckle no one but you likes? Wear It!  It is 2 degrees outside and you want to wear a flower head band?- DO IT! I think on your birthday you should be able to wear anything you want. You were born this day- this day gave you life and the need to express yourself, so do it! Wear whatever- be who you are- its your day. 

6.  Other small tips to remind yourself just how special you are on your birthday! 

  • Screen shot all the nice text and instagram/facebook shout outs you get, refer to them on a different day and relive your birthday bliss all over again
  • kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful
  • revisit old songs you used to love
  • walk in and out of your house to get reoccurring love from your cute doggy
  • look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself facts about you I am beautiful, strong, independent- Sounds lame but its really empowering 
  • watch your favorite movie
  • call your grandma 

We are completely capable of having the best birthday- with no actual party. 22 is fun cause you are stuck in the middle of how adult am I and how young can I be? No matter what age, your birthday matters. So treat yourself, be with friends and embrace your age happily. 

"happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time"
     ~ you didn't really think I could go with out quoting it at all?


Sierra Carter